Friday, June 23, 2017


Imagine a world where there would be an harmony between the society and the teenagers produced by it. Welcome to the world of teenagers and their many complexities. Trying to understand teenagers have always been like trying to unravel the mystery of coconut water.

Teenagers are generally assumed to be from thirteen to nineteen years of age, and those years seem to be the most important years in the lives of human beings. Whether teenagers can be understood or not is an open reasoning that readers would decide for themselves.

The teenage period is usually a period of subjective and objective discovery. The subjective is how teenagers view themselves in respect to the society, and the objective is the way teenagers view themselves in respect to life and the universe. These two views would eventually determine the lives they are going to live.

The two major challenges of the teenage period are seeking answers to the questions of the self and personality, and also simultaneously seeking answers to the questions of the meanings of life. Trying to find answers to these questions is what causes teenage crisis, which is a period characterised by rebellion, exuberance and individualism. When teenagers try to dig the well of who they are without finding water, and when they climb the ladder of life without getting to the top, then there will be trouble.

The lack of answers bounces back on the family and the society, who may not be able to provide these answers. When teenagers don't understand who they are, or their personality, they go ahead and take on the personalities of people they admire, thereby living away from themselves. When teenagers don't understand life and the universe, they wouldn't care about disrupting the normal workings of the societal system. That is why there are many juvenile homes for teenagers less than eighteen.

Teenagers would be rebellious and keep to themselves if they feel that their family, the society, the government, and their religion is against them and everything they do. The truth is, these cannot be said of all teenagers. It is an irony that the major decisions of life are made in the teenage period, which is the most unstable time in a person's life. This is when they choose careers and professions, and it is always a wonder how they choose rightly.

Whether teenagers will be good or bad is not a function of any determination. While some views believe that teenagers can be influenced to be good or bad, others believe that they cannot. Whether they can be influenced or not, there seems to be a fact that teenagers cannot be made to be good when they want to be bad, or made to be bad when they want to be good. Bad homes and parents have produced good teenagers and good homes and parents have produced bad teenagers.

Whether teenagers should be allowed to learn only by imitation, or experience, or by correction should cease to give adults headaches. How men learn will always revolve around those three things. Imagine a world where the understanding of teenagers would make the society a better place. Truth is, understanding teenagers does not determine having better teenagers. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

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