Saturday, June 24, 2017


World food shortages is rising every year and poverty and diseases are ravaging mankind like never before. Poor countries seem to be getting poorer and rich countries seem not to be showing signs of trouble, even if they are in trouble.

Away from that is the issue of food shortage and abundance. Food shortages are generally presumed to be caused by conflicts, war, terrorism, natural disasters and others. Food abundance is generally believed to be a function of a peace, low inflation, food preservation and storage. But in a situation of stability, food shortage is usually still a mark of poor countries.

While a country like Nigeria has about 70% of her citizens as  agriculturers, a country like the U.S only has about 5% of it's citizens in the agricultural sector. The question is, what makes the difference in the two countries, that makes food abundant in one and short in the other.

A lot of times, bad storage facilities and mentality has been seen as the biggest challenge in countries far from food abundance. The argument is that, if food can be stored in abundance, then it will still be available when it is supposed to be scarce. If poor storage is said to be the biggest issue in food shortage, nobody seems to be talking about food preservation.

Places that have food in abundance always have it all throughout the year, even though they import most of those foods. Places that have food shortages would have scarcity of some foods even though they are the ones producing them. The argument now is what makes the difference.

If food can't be preserved, then there is no point trying to store them. A country without stable power supply would always have the problem of preservation which would eventually affect storage. Developed countries have power all year round, which makes presevation very easy. It is really hard to imagine that developed countries have food banks where they store their foods.

Adequate power supply, combined with the necessary technology will go a long way in solving the issue of food shortages. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

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