Jean Paul Satre and his existentialist theory, which was world famous in the 1940's believed, that life is meaningless and each person is alone and responsible for their own actions which make their character. Based on part of this theory, I present to you the causes and effects of life.
If life is believed to be totally meaningless, and there are no external forces that controls the affairs of men, can we then assume that man is a victim or a victor of his actions? Causes and effects are like inputs and output. The output is always a function of the input.
If man will determine the kind of life he will live, and there is no God, Satan or the spirits to influence the affairs of man, then it can be assumed that God is non-existent, and the world came to be on it's own. If there is a God that created the universe, we can assume that it's entity would want to influence, or would influence the world he created, and the affairs of man. No creator wouldn't want to do that.
Now, if the world just began by itself, and men are living and dying, will there be an end to the cycles and vanities of life? Or will the world continue into endless infinity, making true of it being without any meaning? Can we also assume that the world indeed has a creator who has decided to leave the affairs of man to man?
The causes and effects of life is that, if a man is rich, it is because of his decisions, which ultimately leads to his actions. And if a man is poor, it is still based on his decisions which leads to actions. The causes and effects of life means that if a man suddenly has stroke, it will be a result of the lifestyle he had lived. If someone has malaria, it will be because he allowed mosquito to bit him.
Causes and effects would be realistic all the times if we assume that the supernatural and spiritual are not real, making religion a useless venture. If we assume that there are external spiritual forces controlling or overseeing the affairs of man, then the causes and effects of life would be true more of the times, making religion a necessity.
Man may not find a way of explaining away what the supernatural really is, but many men will not deny the supernatural. If man then is assumed to be alone in a lonely world, where then does the supernatural come from? If we assume that the supernatural is unreal, then we should be able to explain what is making it unreal. And if we assume that the supernatural is real, then we should also be able to explain what is making it real.
We can then assume that the causes may not determine all the effects, and the effects may not determine all the causes. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.
If life is believed to be totally meaningless, and there are no external forces that controls the affairs of men, can we then assume that man is a victim or a victor of his actions? Causes and effects are like inputs and output. The output is always a function of the input.
If man will determine the kind of life he will live, and there is no God, Satan or the spirits to influence the affairs of man, then it can be assumed that God is non-existent, and the world came to be on it's own. If there is a God that created the universe, we can assume that it's entity would want to influence, or would influence the world he created, and the affairs of man. No creator wouldn't want to do that.
Now, if the world just began by itself, and men are living and dying, will there be an end to the cycles and vanities of life? Or will the world continue into endless infinity, making true of it being without any meaning? Can we also assume that the world indeed has a creator who has decided to leave the affairs of man to man?
The causes and effects of life is that, if a man is rich, it is because of his decisions, which ultimately leads to his actions. And if a man is poor, it is still based on his decisions which leads to actions. The causes and effects of life means that if a man suddenly has stroke, it will be a result of the lifestyle he had lived. If someone has malaria, it will be because he allowed mosquito to bit him.
Causes and effects would be realistic all the times if we assume that the supernatural and spiritual are not real, making religion a useless venture. If we assume that there are external spiritual forces controlling or overseeing the affairs of man, then the causes and effects of life would be true more of the times, making religion a necessity.
Man may not find a way of explaining away what the supernatural really is, but many men will not deny the supernatural. If man then is assumed to be alone in a lonely world, where then does the supernatural come from? If we assume that the supernatural is unreal, then we should be able to explain what is making it unreal. And if we assume that the supernatural is real, then we should also be able to explain what is making it real.
We can then assume that the causes may not determine all the effects, and the effects may not determine all the causes. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.
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