Tuesday, June 20, 2017


The internet, as we know and see it today is a virtual world as infinite as the universe. What we call the internet today has really gone beyond what the founding fathers really intended for it. This is called the internet controversy. Now, internet illiteracy is far becoming more pronounced than academic illiteracy.

With millions of websites already, more blogs than websites and still counting daily, these are staggering data that adds to the internet controversy. Today, many people use the internet for many different purposes as it has become the largest electronic and virtual library in the world. From doing serious researches to just leisurely surfing the web, and from receiving and rendering services; the internet is the happening place.

With the popularity of the internet soaring, fast thinking minds thought of ways to make the internet scenery more beautiful. Ideas gave birth to some serious actions, and a computer transformed from what is being used to calculate sums into what can generate money. And some serious money at that.

Just like the gold rush, the internet rush started several years ago, and it is still on. If the gold rush had ended, the internet rush may never end. With many people trying to take a piece of the internet cake, many with unhealthy desperation; the internet has turned into a virtual business global village with the players not needing to see each other.

Now, the internet controversy is how to identify the legitimate players from the illegitimate ones, as it seems to be full of illegitimate players. The controversy of the internet is not whether it is a powerful tool to make money or not, but of how to identify the genuine people from the scammers. Many celebrated gurus and webmasters are scammers, while unpronounced and simple people are doing legitimate business on the internet.

If you are a beginner looking for a way to make money on the internet today, you are likely to be scammed most of the times. The internet has come to stay for good, and if it does not end, then the internet controversy will always be. If you have enjoyed this article, please share. Thanks.

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