Friday, June 30, 2017


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In this critical times when most marriages end up in divorce, and many more are having unhappy homes, having a happy marriage looks like an illusion. You don't have to be discouraged about the facts and figures as you can make your marriage work. It all depends on both you and your partner.

Wanting to get married is not the issue today, but the ability to make that marriage work. To have a happy marriage ;

1. Marry Right.

The foundation of your marriage matters a lot. If the foundation is wrong, then a happy marriage cannot be automatic. The process of finding a partner, going through courtship, proposing and getting married should be a very cautious one. Realize that even though love is important, it is still not the only thing to consider in having a happy home.

Never jump into any marriage. Analyze the pro's and con's of it, and you must be sure that your partner is someone you want to go the extra mile with.

2. Determine To Make Your Marriage Work.

Having a happy marriage is serious work and determination. This determination should be from both the man and woman. Marriage poses many challenges and difficulties, and the temptation is always there to bail out at the first sign of trouble. Only determination will make partners stay in a marriage and continue to work it out.

Marriage is all about the coming together of two imperfect people to draw perfection out of it. Marriage will always be ups and downs, but with determination, it would be a joyful experience.

3. Solving Problems.

Problems will come in marriage, as a result of differences in actions, thoughts and approaches of couples. When such happens, never run away from the problem, but tackle it head on. Couples should talk about the problem and express how they feel about it.

Talking about the problem shouldn't be put off to a later date. The longer it is postponed, the harder it may get to solve it. Whether partners disagree or not, they should still respect each others feelings. Also, partners should listen to each other carefully to be able to find a common ground.

4. Managing Money.

Issues of money cause a lot of problems in many homes. Couples should be honest with each other about incomes, and should be able to trust each other on how to spend money. Financial planning must be put in place and adhered to. Couples shouldn't indulge in self gratification at the expense of each other, and due consultations should always be made before spending.

Couples should train themselves to be able to live within their means and avoid financial obligations that would strain their finance and relationship.

Even though it is increasingly becoming difficult to have a happy home, you can determine that yours would be different by insisting on having a happy marriage. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

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Regal Assets BannerThe foundations of the world has been built on systems that make it up or make it work. As the world and man evolved, man has continually set up systems he feels would bring orderliness and meaning to life. There are the educational system, health, political, economic just to mention a few. My focus would be on the economic and political system and their ironies.

In the past, it was much more easier to separate the economic from the political system, but today, it has become almost impossible to do that. Political and economic systems are now interwoven that the economy adopted determines the politics and vice-versa. From the feudalism of the middle ages to the capitalism of the 21st century, history has shown that an absolute system only leads to anarchy and chaos.

Past political and economic leaders have learned the hard way in the inexperience and folly of entrenching or trying to entrench an absolute system. An absolute system is the idea that a particular system is enough on it's own to satisfy the economic and political wants of the people without external influence, no matter how little.

This means that a people would believe that capitalism alone is enough or that democracy alone is enough to have a sane system. A system could have general features or characteristics, but no nation can claim to practise it the way it ought to be. Wiser leaders understand that when a system like capitalism is the constitutional economic system in a country, it only means that capitalism is only about 70% feasible while other systems are entrenched inside that capitalism.

A country like the USA is a perfect example. For a capitalist nation, it would be assumed that the idea of social security or Obamacare wouldn't be adopted. Social security and Obamacare are ideas entrenched in communism. This means that all capitalism and no communism will lead to revolution, and all communism and no capitalism will lead to anarchy.

Socialist China is another example. It only means that China is socialist most of the time, and capitalist more of the times. Freedom of religion and association are not core socialist values, but that is what happens in China. China operates a strong free market, and that is why their products find their way to many parts of the world. And we should not fail to realize that a free market is a core socialist evil.

Democracy is supposed to be a political system that should abhor every form of absolute or dictatorial powers, but the executive orders of a president are his absolute powers. Executive orders are usually the way of absolute or military dictatorships. This means that all democracy and no dictatorship will lead to disaster.

An absolute dictatorship like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Idi Amin, with no democracy will lead to revolution. Every system abhors an absolute stance, and no absolute system can hope to survive long to be generally acceptable by the world. This is why absolute communism, feudalism, nazism, facism and military dictatorships all crash by themselves.

Regal Assets BannerThese are the ironies of an absolute system that will always make it a system for an immature era and inexperienced people. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


The health sector is usually one of the most important sectors in every society, and the health of an individual is usually one of the most important aspect of that individual's life. Good health is so important as the productivity of an individual, and the quality of life that individual will live is based on how best their health condition is.

As more sicknesses and diseases seems to be emerging daily, the health sector has come under a heavy strain in meeting up to  the demands of providing quality health services. In the past, health practitioners had focused on enlightening people about what causes sicknesses and diseases. This idea is based on the premises that people would always fall sick. Later, they shifted to trying to increase efficiency in health care delivery.

Today, health practitioners are now preaching the message of prevention, which is the best approach to date. This is based on the premises that people don't have to fall sick in the first place. Trying to prevent things that will cause diseases and ailments may sound easy, but it is not, as it has it's basis on the lifestyles of different individuals. The way individuals live their lives may not be all it takes to prevent diseases, but it sure takes a larger percentage.

What individuals eat and drink, and how they eat and drink them eventually affects their health. The eating pattern of the world have gradually shifted to people consuming more of fatty and processed foods over fresh foods. People consume more of alcohol and processed drinks in unhealthy proportions. All these eating habits would inevitably lead to health complications.

That is why, today, more and more people are becoming overweight and obesity is rising at an alarming rate. Being overweight or obese leads to health complications like cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and others. It seems that in today's world, there is no point trying to get people to stop eating and drinking junks, but the value of moderation cannot be underestimated.

More people are increasingly living sedentary lifestyles. At homes and in workplaces, people nowadays stay more in prone positions. Even children are not left out, with the average child prefering to play video games and watching tv than engaging in outdoor recreation. Added to this is a lifestyle of less physical exercises by individuals. Sedentary lifestyles leads to postural defects, weight gain, and cardiovascular diseases. Lack of exercises leads to lack of fitness and endurance.

Smoking may not be the cause of lung cancer or other smoking related diseases, but it sure increases the risk of having them. Smoking does not only harm the smoker, but also others who inhales the secondary smoke. In the issue of sexually transmitted diseases, a whole lot of them could be prevented by living a life of abstinence or protection. A lifestyle of sexual promiscuity will more likely lead to contracting diseases.

In recent years, many health practitioners have argued whether lifestyle alone is the only factor which determines a healthy or a sickly life. A lot of times, diseases could be hereditary, genetic, or simply unexplainable. This raises the question of whether the knowledge of family health history could help prevent the likelihood of having some certain diseases.

Even though lifestyle alone will not be the only guarantee of not falling sick, having a health conscious lifestyle will positively affect your health. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


The way man views life is usually a function of his thoughts which leads to decisions. This decisions leads to convinctions and convictions leads to actions. Actions can either lead to man making mistakes or getting it right. In all these, reason makes it to be believed that the way man views life eventually affects him.

When man wants something, and sets his heart diligently to achieving that thing, man eventually achieves it because he thinks he can. Reason will also argue that man never gets everything he sets his heart to get. Life may not judge man based on what he wants or doesn't want, but why he may want that thing. The subconscious of man doesn't lie, but the consciousness of man can manipulate or be manipulated.

Life, and it's forces deals with man based on what he doesn't express or know, but which may be the reflection of what he truly is.

If man sees life as a bleak and unworthy venture, then the quality of life the forces of life will give him will be based on that view. Man does not see life as bleak and ends up living the best life by coincidence and accident. A bleak view doesn't stumble upon a better life. Whatever man wants is what life eventually gives. And if life does not give man what he wants, then we can assume that this is beyond reason.

If man sees life as a worthy venture, and believes success is achievable, then the forces of life will give man success. They that chase greatness eventually become great, either as tyrants or as nobles. Greatness and success are not accidental, and the decisions of man, based on his thoughts would eventually make life give them to him. And if man chases greatness and success, but life does not give them to him, then we can assume that this is also beyond reason.

Many times, man thinks that what will be will be. It all depends on what man wants to be. If man thinks that it will good, then it will be more likely to be good. But if man thinks situations will be worse, then they are more likely to go bad. The way man views life eventually determines what will become of him in life.

If all men begins to be positive in their views of themselves and the way they view life, maybe the general quality of life will be better than what we have now. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Advertising is the wheel of information that revolves around the world. Information and advertising are the only two different things which are still the same thing. Without advertising, which is information; and without information, which is advertising, the world would be a huge expanse of ignorant waste.

From the news reporter from the scene of a homicide to the copywriter in the corner of his office, advertising has become the most powerful tool of knowledge, awareness and imagination. Advertising has become a global economic entity on it's own and every year, billions of dollars are spent to advertise. Advertising has become the soul of the world. From the propaganda of politicians to the grocery seller by the side of the road, advertising has established itself as the world's global culture.

Advertising is news, and that is why manufacturers and sellers spend billions of dollars each year to make people aware of what they have to offer. Producers have long realized that the best distribution and production method alone cannot lead to a rise in the rate of consumption, which would correspond with production. Hence, advertising is used as a universal saviour to increase consumption, distribution and production at lesser cost.

The senses of man are the door to the soul of man. Man is affected by what he sees and hears, by what he smells and feels, and by what he tastes. This is why advertising is used as a powerful tool to influence and manipulate the minds of people, no matter their background, religion, language, race, or economic status. Advertising is like a big global story being told about the same things, but in different ways.


Advertising is used as a tool to stir up new wants, behaviours and mentalities in the minds of people. It changes the way people view the world in themselves and also view themselves in the world. It shrinkes the thousands of miles that make up the world and turn it into a virtual world, a world without sea, road and air. The death of advertising will be the death of all enterprise, and the powers of advertising will continue to be absolute.


In today's world, it is not enough to have a business, but to be able to have great leadership skills that will grow that business. It has been shown that the difference between a successful business and a failing one is the quality of the leadership. The success of a business usually depends on how a leader is able to influence employees in achieving the visions of the business.

1. Have A Dedicated Team.

This is usually where it starts from. A good leader must focus on bringing together a team that will help fulfil the vision of the business. The team must be unified and loyal to the business as a whole. A good leader must know how to recognize the best talents in a particular niche; bring them into the company, and be able to keep them.

Only then can the leader have a team that will take an idea from nothing to make it acceptable by the society.

2. Be Available And Accessible.

As a leader, to grow your business, you have to be available. This means that you have to be on ground to oversee the business, solve work related issues, customer complaints, and even staff related issues. When leaders are not available when needed, it means they are already loosing control of the business. This affects staff discipline, work output, and customer relations.

Also, good leaders must have a system in which staffs can easily have access to them. Creating unnecessary barriers between you and your staff means that you wouldn't know most of the things going on in your business. To grow your business to the height you want, be available and accessible.

3. Take Responsibility.

Leaders are not infallible. Even the CEO's of big corporations make mistakes from time to time. As a leader, you must learn to accept responsibility for your actions. You must realize that not all your decisions will be good, so you shouldn't put the blame on others. If you give an instruction to a staff, and it leads to a mistake, you shouldn't blame the staff who carried out the instruction. You shouldn't also blame yourself, but to simply own up to your decision.

4. Communication.

Another leadership skill for growing your business is to be able to express yourself well. When you give instructions to your employees, make sure they are clear and easy to understand. Your instructions mustn't confuse them more. Communication is a two-way channel. You must also be able to listen well to your employee.

When you have a listening ear, they will tell you anything, including suggestions that would propel your business to the top.

5. Motivate Your Employees.

Motivating your employees is like a catalyst that would inspire them to produce more quality results for the business. When staffs are motivated, it makes them feel valued and important to the vision of the business. This will make them to want to do and sacrifice more.

Motivation doesn't necessarily have to be a promotion or money, even though they are part of it, but a simple "good job", or "well done" is enough to do the magic of growing your business. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.


Scientists claim that the world is billions of years old, and man's existence on earth is millions of years old. With all these years of man's experience of living life, nobody seems to know how to live life yet. The Preacher became angry at what his immense wisdom was able to make him discover about life, that life is a cycle of vanities.

The cycle of the vanities of life seems to be a pulling momentum, drawing everyone into it without any power or choice to resist. Life is a vanity, but nobody wants to stop or know how to stop it. The knowledge or the ignorance of life's vanity does not matter as that vanity affects all men.

Life is all about trying to do the same things for almost everybody. The young wants to grow old and the poor wants to get rich. The rich wants to get richer and foolish wants to get wiser. The tenant wants to have a house and the cleaner wants to be a director. Everything about life only revolves around wanting to achieve something. Still, nobody has discovered how to live a better life.

If it has been agreed that life is a vanity, and the pursuit of it is not a way to live a better life, then how can man live a better life? If man knows life as a vanity and decides not to chase it, it still doesn't mean that man has chosen the right part. From the monk in the monastery to the CEO on Wall Street, nobody can determine who is living the better life.

If man is lucky to be able to pursue and acquire vanity, fellow men would point out that it is a worthless venture. Man will point out the ultimatum of death and ask what the point is in chasing vanity. The pursuit of vanity can only be a worthy venture if men don't die, but when men die, then the folly of the lives they had lived is revealed in the magnifying glass of helplessness.

If man decides not to chase vanity, fellow men would point out that it is a worthless venture. Nobody seems to want to align themselves with people who are assumed to lack ambition and purpose. If man does not pursue vanity, he lives like an enemy in the midst of many friends. Vanity is not worth chasing, but unvanity is a greater absurd to the system of the world.

Life has been made to run on the wheels of vanity, so everyone is just hopelessly entangled in it's web. Life preaches chasing vanity, even though the same life will condemn it at death. Life also preaches unvanity, even though the same life will condemn it at death as having made no impact.

If man happens to find himself in life, then he shouldn't bother trying to set out on a course of determination of living a better life. Life is so wise to present two bad choices to man. Whatever choice man chooses would still be wrong. When two wrong choices are presented to man by life, then nobody can claim to be live right. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


The academia is a world on it's own and in one way or the other, most people are bound to pass through it. Many people go through academics without excelling, or achieving their desired aim. That is why in this post, I am going to teach you proven ways on how to excel in your academics.

A lot of people going through academics always fail to realise that academics is work on it's own. And like any other work, it needs a lot of attention. With these simple ways, you are on your way to excelling in your academics.

1. Have A Positive View Of The Subject And The Teacher.

People seldom excel when they do what they don't like. It is the same in academics. If you hate the subject matter or the department, it would seriously affect your results at the long run. Only offer subjects that you have an interest in or you love. Also, you must not hate the teacher or the lecturers.

Studies have shown that students don't do well when they don't like the subject or the teacher. This is the reason why academics is broken down into several fields. Only choose the field you have the flair for and you will easily excel in it.

2. Attend Classes Diligently.

Except when you are running a distance learning program, attending classes should be a standard for you. Studies have shown that the best performing students always fall within the categories of students with the highest attendance rate. Check your class, and you will discover that the best students don't miss classes. Also, most times, the lowest performing students are usually the one's who skip classes.

3. Set Your Priorities Right.

Not everybody going to school is there to achieve excellence, but you don't have to be part of those group. Setting your priorities mean having control of your time and how you use it. You have to deal with various aspects on the basis of how important they are. You must know when to socialize and when to read. You must know when to play tennis and when to sleep.

If you can't set your priorities right, people would set and control it for you, usually to your academic detriment.

4. Make Serious Friends.

The people you make friends with may determine how you will excel in your academics. Serious students always befriend themselves and unserious students always befriend themselves. Make friends with students who will encourage you to attend classes and to read regularly.

Make friends with students who will consciously or unconsciously teach you how to prioritize and manage yourself in time.

5. Daily Quality Studying.

The most important way to excel in your academics is to set aside time for daily studying. The time, as well as the studying must be quality and not quantity. Some experts have advised that students should be able to study for about three hours daily.

You have to discover the reading pattern that gives you the best result. Another important thing in studying is to solve a lot of past questions on the related subject matter. Make a decision today of excelling in your academics. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.


Gold is one of the wisest wealth protection strategy that anyone can implement. Many people want to invest in gold, but don't know how to get started. Information is power, and I am going to share with you how to invest in gold. Before we go into how to invest in gold, we should know the benefits of gold investment.

* To Increase Wealth.

As a result of golds appreciative value, wealth can be increased in the long term in gold investments. This is a strategy that wise investors use to their advantage.

*  To Protect Wealth.

Gold is used as a wealth protection strategy to reduce capital volatility, provide insurance against risks, secure pension funds and reduce risks.

* As Hedge Over Currency.

Gold always rises when currency is falling. Also, historically, gold performs better than all the other means of investments like stocks, real estate or bonds. Don't wait to invest in gold. Click the link below.

Having known why you should invest in gold, I am now going to talk about how to invest in gold.

1. Jewellery.

This is the most popular form of investing in gold in the world. Every year, 50% of the gold purchased is in the form of jewellery. Jewelleries always have higher values due to the cost of manufacturing.

2. Physical Gold.

Physical gold are divided into coins, bars and rounds. 1 oz Gold American Eagle is considered a physical gold. Physical gold does not require an investor to report any gains or losses. Request a free gold kit below

3. Mining Stocks.

These are also called leveraged play on gold. Performance of mining is not only on gold alone, but also on operational costs, management, and environment. In mining stocks, mines can either underproduce or overproduce.

4. Futures Contracts.

Futures contracts are about making money by betting on the volatility of the market. It is just like forex, but best left to professionals.

Now that you know how to invest in gold, don't wait. Request for free gold kit below and you are your way to investing in gold.


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Regal Assets Banner No matter how strong or weak the economy may be at the moment, there are always speculations that there would be another financial crisis. What scares most speculators and economists is that the next financial crisis will be worse than the last one. If world political and economic issues are anything to go by, then the speculators may be correct. Below are strong points why the speculators may be right.

1. Global unemployment.

Statistics showed that before the last economic meltdown, unemployment rate in the U.S alone was 4.4%. Right now, it has risen to 4.7% and the rate of employment has decreased than the previous five years. This means that more people would be jobless in the next financial crisis than the last one.

2. Volatility of the markets.

The already weak markets are being made weaker by the issue of the Brexit as more european countries are also planning on leaving the European Union. Also, a Donald Trump in the white house means nobody knows what the guy can do or not do with his constitutional powers. The future seems bleak and these are already affecting world markets.

3. Failing businesses.

More business are failing today than ever before. In the U.S, existing businesses are failing faster than new ones for the first time in about thirty years. Small and medium scale businesses are becoming extinct, and even bigger corporations are not left out. These days, even Amazon and Microsoft are cutting costs.

4. Banks are no more safe to put money in.

Statistics shows that banks are more unstable today than the last financial crisis. Many bank stocks have hit rock bottom and today, only five U.S banks are among the list of the top fifty banks in the world. If the U.S is seen as the economic fulcrum of the world, then this is not good news.

5. Governments are tampering with workers' money.

In recent years, several governments have been using corporate accounts to bail themselves out of budget deficits and huge debts. Retirement accounts have become more unsafe in the last few years. When the next financial crisis comes, we wonder what will happen to pension, insurance and private funds.

6. The decline of peace.

The unprecedented rise of terrorism and islamophobia all over the world is wrecking more economic havoc than ever. The violence that has spread all over the world has already displaced over 60 million people, according to the United Nations. With that large number of displaced people, the next economic meltdown would be catastrophic.

The next financial crisis is the reason why you have to secure your future properly. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Since it started, religion has become a potent force that everybody, excluding atheists have come to agree with. The thousands of religions scattered over the face of the earth makes one wonder who is serving the true God.

Religion has become a phenomena that unites the world in the short run, but divides it in the long run. But the question remains of who is serving the true God. Answers can only be sought if it can be established that men are indeed serving God. If men are serving God, how then can it be determined whether it is the true God.

The entity of God is the simplest but most mysterious of any of all understandings. Nobody seems to know when or how everybody began to spread the rumour, or the truth of the existence of a God. Is there a God,? or man had just been manipulated to believe that there is God, and that everyone should acknowledge and serve him.

Since it can't be substantially proved that there is a God, since nobody have seen him, the following arguments would be based on the assumption that there is a God.

Religion developed as a system whereby men tried and are trying to reach God. Men don't see God, but still and will continue to believe he exists. Religion is used as the medium or as the way to reach the creator. Some people believe that God and gods exist. While the God is assumed to be the supreme being, the gods are assumed to be intermediaries between them and the God. Many others believe that there are different gods having the same status, and they can worship anyone of them.

Others believe that God is the only one that exists and there are no gods who serve as intermediaries. They believe God can be worshipped directly. In all these, there seem not to be a general agreement that all the religions are serving the same God or god. Even though there will never come a time when the about 7 billion people on earth will come together under the umbrella of one religion, religion has still succeeded in unifying the world in her diversity.

If the God or god is an entity that can only be served in one way, then woe would be to mankind who don't know that only way. Man can only be safe, if the God or god can be reached by many means or ways. If God or god can be reached by only one way, it then means that only one or no religion is serving the true God or god.

This is because if the religions are serving the same God or god, then they will serve him in the same way. If God or god cannot be served the same way, it then means every religion is serving a different God or god. On the other hand, if God or god can be served in different ways, then all the religions are serving the same God or god, but in different ways. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.


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Many times, I pause to think about the world systems and their failures. I think about all the agencies, governments and machineries that had been put in place, just with the sole aim of making the world work. Whether we are individuals or part of government machineries, we all would come to the bitter conclusion of the failure of the world systems.

If past and present happenings are anything to go by, then the world should understand clearly that we are living in perilious times. No lasting solution seems to have evolved from any of the world systems. The world is now in her highest point of conflicts, terrorism and economic distabilities. From the most organized terrorist organisations to the radical trade unions of each nation all contribute in giving life it's present shape.

The murky and unstable diplomacy by governments and organizations is also a very big factor contributing to the failure of the world system. There are high levels of unemployment everywhere, when before, it used to be the mark of underdeveloped and developing economies.

When the wrong handling of diplomacy led to the outbreak of world war I(1914-1917) a century ago with millions dying, several world governments came to put in place a system that would resolve conflicts, and prevent future war. The failure of this world system, under the League of Nations led again to the outbreak of world war II(1939-1945).

Today, the United Nations(UN) is the biggest world system put in place to bring sanity to a rabid world. Alas!!, it seems the world is getting hotter and more unbearable under their watch. If the major duties of the world systems are peace, cohesiveness and tolerance to be entrenched and working, they it should be known that failure of the world system is as glaring as the midday sun.

Even though the African Union(AU) is the biggest system in Africa, Africa is still one big heap of violence, extreme poverty, bloodshed and many failed states like Libya. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation(NATO) is in the middle east, but there has never been peace there for a day. Terrorists are having a field day, rebels are fighting governments, and China is still fighting over Hongkong and Macau.

Many people are displaced all over the world on a daily basis, and the world systems seem to have their hands full, and can't do anything about these things. This is the failure of the world system and we all hope they don't eventually annihilate us from the face of the earth.

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Jean Paul Satre and his existentialist theory, which was world famous in the 1940's believed, that life is meaningless and each person is alone and responsible for their own actions which make their character. Based on part of this theory, I present to you the causes and effects of life.

If life is believed to be totally meaningless, and there are no external forces that controls the affairs of men, can we then assume that man is a victim or a victor of his actions? Causes and effects are like inputs and output. The output is always a function of the input.

If man will determine the kind of life he will live, and there is no God, Satan or the spirits to influence the affairs of man, then it can be assumed that God is non-existent, and the world came to be on it's own. If there is a God that created the universe, we can assume that it's entity would want to influence, or would influence the world he created, and the affairs of man. No creator wouldn't want to do that.

Now, if the world just began by itself, and men are living and dying, will there be an end to the cycles and vanities of life? Or will the world continue into endless infinity, making true of it being without any meaning? Can we also assume that the world indeed has a creator who has decided to leave the affairs of man to man?

The causes and effects of life is that, if a man is rich, it is because of his decisions, which ultimately leads to his actions. And if a man is poor, it is still based on his decisions which leads to actions. The causes and effects of life means that if a man suddenly has stroke, it will be a result of the lifestyle he had lived. If someone has malaria, it will be because he allowed mosquito to bit him.

Causes and effects would be realistic all the times if we assume that the supernatural and spiritual are not real, making religion a useless venture. If we assume that there are external spiritual forces controlling or overseeing the affairs of man, then the causes and effects of life would be true more of the times, making religion a necessity.

Man may not find a way of explaining away what the supernatural really is, but many men will not deny the supernatural. If man then is assumed to be alone in a lonely world, where then does the supernatural come from? If we assume that the supernatural is unreal, then we should be able to explain what is making it unreal. And if we assume that the supernatural is real, then we should also be able to explain what is making it real.

We can then assume that the causes may not determine all the effects, and the effects may not determine all the causes. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.


World food shortages is rising every year and poverty and diseases are ravaging mankind like never before. Poor countries seem to be getting poorer and rich countries seem not to be showing signs of trouble, even if they are in trouble.

Away from that is the issue of food shortage and abundance. Food shortages are generally presumed to be caused by conflicts, war, terrorism, natural disasters and others. Food abundance is generally believed to be a function of a peace, low inflation, food preservation and storage. But in a situation of stability, food shortage is usually still a mark of poor countries.

While a country like Nigeria has about 70% of her citizens as  agriculturers, a country like the U.S only has about 5% of it's citizens in the agricultural sector. The question is, what makes the difference in the two countries, that makes food abundant in one and short in the other.

A lot of times, bad storage facilities and mentality has been seen as the biggest challenge in countries far from food abundance. The argument is that, if food can be stored in abundance, then it will still be available when it is supposed to be scarce. If poor storage is said to be the biggest issue in food shortage, nobody seems to be talking about food preservation.

Places that have food in abundance always have it all throughout the year, even though they import most of those foods. Places that have food shortages would have scarcity of some foods even though they are the ones producing them. The argument now is what makes the difference.

If food can't be preserved, then there is no point trying to store them. A country without stable power supply would always have the problem of preservation which would eventually affect storage. Developed countries have power all year round, which makes presevation very easy. It is really hard to imagine that developed countries have food banks where they store their foods.

Adequate power supply, combined with the necessary technology will go a long way in solving the issue of food shortages. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Friday, June 23, 2017


To deal effectively with google and other search engines out there, these are some important things to do for maximum SEO, or search engine optimization.

1. Provide good content for your website or blog.

There is almost no substitute for a well researched content that will increase the search engine optimization of your page, blog, or website. For good and professional content, you don't have to be the best writer on earth, and you could pay people to do that for you. The web is full of individuals and sites that can write good and professional looking content for your website.

2. Avoid hidden links and texts.

Hidden links and texts may not be visible to the users of your site, but only to the search engines. The disadvantage though is that instead of reducing the ranking of your page for maximum SEO, it would actually decrease it. Search engines would eventually discover the trick as fraudulent.

3. Website map.

A site map is necessary to help users navigate a website very easily. If there are too many categories or links, it is advisable to divide them into different pages to avoid the frustration that comes from a clumsy site. Website maps should be precise and lead to current and well researched content.

4. Avoid cloaking.

Cloaking is done by some webmasters to manipulate search engines for better rankings. This is a scam as it covers the real pages and mislead users about the real content they will find on the site when they click on search results. Search engines, especially Google doesn't approve such, and could actually place a ban on the website, thereby affecting the site's search engine optimization.

5. Avoid images with hidden texts.

When explaining links, names and keywords that are important, images which have text hidden in them should not be used. The simple reason being that Google and most search engines would not acknowledge them. It is preferable to stick to text that is plain that Google would recognise easily.

6. Put your important information at the top.

When there are a lot of categories, links and directories on your website, put the more important ones at the top and not at the bottom. Due to the way Google's crawlers are built to perform their functions, they may presume that the more closer to the top the information is, then the more important it is. So, for maximum search engine optimization, place your important keywords higher up the content or article.

7. Don't send queries to Google.

Never send any query or queries to Google, especially if those queries are on autopilot. Google would discover this and this would impact negatively on the ranking of your website.

In general conclusions, don't cheat site users by giving them content that are not what they searched for. It is also bad to use fraudulent links network to increase the ranking of your website or blog for better search engine optimization. Long pages which are professional in appearance and contain rich information should be prefered above short pages with contents that are not relevant to the search queries.

With these Google guidelines for maximum seach engine optimization for your website or blog, your traffic is bound to increase. This would in turn increase the cash you can make on your blog or website. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks


Imagine a world where there would be an harmony between the society and the teenagers produced by it. Welcome to the world of teenagers and their many complexities. Trying to understand teenagers have always been like trying to unravel the mystery of coconut water.

Teenagers are generally assumed to be from thirteen to nineteen years of age, and those years seem to be the most important years in the lives of human beings. Whether teenagers can be understood or not is an open reasoning that readers would decide for themselves.

The teenage period is usually a period of subjective and objective discovery. The subjective is how teenagers view themselves in respect to the society, and the objective is the way teenagers view themselves in respect to life and the universe. These two views would eventually determine the lives they are going to live.

The two major challenges of the teenage period are seeking answers to the questions of the self and personality, and also simultaneously seeking answers to the questions of the meanings of life. Trying to find answers to these questions is what causes teenage crisis, which is a period characterised by rebellion, exuberance and individualism. When teenagers try to dig the well of who they are without finding water, and when they climb the ladder of life without getting to the top, then there will be trouble.

The lack of answers bounces back on the family and the society, who may not be able to provide these answers. When teenagers don't understand who they are, or their personality, they go ahead and take on the personalities of people they admire, thereby living away from themselves. When teenagers don't understand life and the universe, they wouldn't care about disrupting the normal workings of the societal system. That is why there are many juvenile homes for teenagers less than eighteen.

Teenagers would be rebellious and keep to themselves if they feel that their family, the society, the government, and their religion is against them and everything they do. The truth is, these cannot be said of all teenagers. It is an irony that the major decisions of life are made in the teenage period, which is the most unstable time in a person's life. This is when they choose careers and professions, and it is always a wonder how they choose rightly.

Whether teenagers will be good or bad is not a function of any determination. While some views believe that teenagers can be influenced to be good or bad, others believe that they cannot. Whether they can be influenced or not, there seems to be a fact that teenagers cannot be made to be good when they want to be bad, or made to be bad when they want to be good. Bad homes and parents have produced good teenagers and good homes and parents have produced bad teenagers.

Whether teenagers should be allowed to learn only by imitation, or experience, or by correction should cease to give adults headaches. How men learn will always revolve around those three things. Imagine a world where the understanding of teenagers would make the society a better place. Truth is, understanding teenagers does not determine having better teenagers. If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Regal Assets BannerThe best investment for today is to invest in gold. When gold is mentioned anywhere in the world, the first thing that comes to mind is high value. Why? Because gold never depreciates. Why not invest in gold today and secure your future. Whether gold is worn as jewellery or stored for value, it still remains one of the oldest and best form of investment.

If you are still having doubts as to why you should invest in gold, then these reasons will change your mind.

1. Economic Uncertainties.

At a time when the economy is always in danger of collapsing, and the global depth level has risen to about $200 trillion, then you should think twice before investing. Central banks all over the world are printing more money, increasing the risk of global inflation, and interest rates at at record low.

The good news is that, all these things don't affect gold at all. Investing in gold is a sure way to secure your future, as gold has a reputation of performing well in times of recessions, increasing geopolitical tensions, high inflation and economic meltdowns. This is why you have to secure your future by investing in gold. Click the link below to request for your own free gold kit now.


Over the last century, statistics showed that the price of gold has always risen. Statistics also shows that gold always performs better than other traditional investments like stocks, cash, retail superannuation, or even bonds. Based on these statistics, this is why many investors are investing in gold.

3. Investment Diversification.

In investing, it is totally unwise to focus only on one form of investment. That is why it is wise to diversify investments. Investing in gold is a good form of diversification as history shows that gold tends to increase in value when other forms of investments are failing. Diversify your investments by investing in gold today and request for your own free gold kit below.

4. Low Rates Of Interest.

History and statistics have showed that the price of gold increases more when interest rates are low. Naturally, low rates of interests discourages people from keeping their money in the banks to invest in other areas. Gold investment is surely the way to go when interest are low.

5. Hedge Over Currency.

Gold always has an edge over currency. Fall in prices of currency, including the US dollars always leads to an increase in the price of gold. Be wise and join other investors who are already investing in gold and secure your future. Request for your own free gold kit below.

If you have enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks.
Regal Assets Banner

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

KARL MARX : the man who spoiled tomorrow

Karl Marx was a contemporary german philosopher and economist who is best known for his socialist theory. His theory not only shook the foundations of world economy, it also laid the foundation of socialism and communism in the world economic systems.

Karl Marx not only denounced democracy and capitalism, he also saw it as an evil that needed to be overcome. Today, he is known in socialist and communist circles as a god, even above people like Vladimir Lenin of Russia and Mao Tse Tong of China.

Today, a lot of people see Karl Marx as an individual who spoiled the tomorrow of the world. Whether Karl Marx was evil or good will always continue to be debated without end. Another approach would be whether Karl Marx was just unlucky at the kind of disciples he made during his lifetime and after his death.

Every world leader over the last century that everybody have come to agree as tyrants had always attributed their philosophy to the teachings of Karl Marx. Lenin, who was a disciple of Karl Marx led the russian revolution in 1917, where the Tsar and his generation were wiped off the face of the earth. This same Lenin began communism in Russia which Josef Stalin and his predecessors spread all over eastern europe, south america, africa, and asia.

Mao Tse tong of China rose on the waves of communism, sacrificing numerous lives to establish himself as a leader. Fidel Castro of Cuba, with Che Ernesto Guevarra killed thousands of cubans, all in the name of communism. The Vietnam war was as a result of the west trying to prevent communism from spreading into Asia.

Adolf Hitler of Germany and his Nazism, Benito Mussolini of Italy and his Facism are all offshoots of the theories of Karl Marx. Worst of all, the cold war which dominated the world political and economic scene for about forty-five years was technically between the communist east and the capitalist west. If Karl Marx were to be alive today, we wonder what he would had thought of the world and his disciples.

Objectively, Karl Marx saw capitalism and democracy as a system that leads to selfishness, manipulations and greed. He saw capitalism as a system whereby a few rich people can control and manipulate the economy and the lives of the masses. He saw all forms of religion as a mirage of hope for the masses. Quoting him, he said that, "religion is the opium of the masses." He didn't want that system to continue, so he developed his socialist theories.

Karl Marx's socialist theories cannot be said to be bad, but he seems to be unfortunate that only tyrants hid behind them to further their own negative political and economic ideas. We would wonder if the U.S and the UK would still be the same under a socialist and communist environment.

No economic and political system is good or bad. It only depends on the person or people wielding the reins of that system. The same system that never worked for the tyrants has propelled China to the top ; and the same system that has worked for the U.S has sent a country like Nigeria to the bottom.

Still, if history is to be judged, many would still hold Karl Marx responsible as the man who spoiled tomorrow. If you have enjoyed this, please share it. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


The internet, as we know and see it today is a virtual world as infinite as the universe. What we call the internet today has really gone beyond what the founding fathers really intended for it. This is called the internet controversy. Now, internet illiteracy is far becoming more pronounced than academic illiteracy.

With millions of websites already, more blogs than websites and still counting daily, these are staggering data that adds to the internet controversy. Today, many people use the internet for many different purposes as it has become the largest electronic and virtual library in the world. From doing serious researches to just leisurely surfing the web, and from receiving and rendering services; the internet is the happening place.

With the popularity of the internet soaring, fast thinking minds thought of ways to make the internet scenery more beautiful. Ideas gave birth to some serious actions, and a computer transformed from what is being used to calculate sums into what can generate money. And some serious money at that.

Just like the gold rush, the internet rush started several years ago, and it is still on. If the gold rush had ended, the internet rush may never end. With many people trying to take a piece of the internet cake, many with unhealthy desperation; the internet has turned into a virtual business global village with the players not needing to see each other.

Now, the internet controversy is how to identify the legitimate players from the illegitimate ones, as it seems to be full of illegitimate players. The controversy of the internet is not whether it is a powerful tool to make money or not, but of how to identify the genuine people from the scammers. Many celebrated gurus and webmasters are scammers, while unpronounced and simple people are doing legitimate business on the internet.

If you are a beginner looking for a way to make money on the internet today, you are likely to be scammed most of the times. The internet has come to stay for good, and if it does not end, then the internet controversy will always be. If you have enjoyed this article, please share. Thanks.


For sports lovers, especially football, then we will all come to the conclusion that even misfortune has it's boundary. The English Premier League(EPL) teaches many bitter truths and lessons of life. The just concluded 2016/2017 season was another saga that football lovers would always remember for a long time.

A special focus would be on Arsene Wenger and his Arsenal, a manager and club that everybody has known to be most unfortunate. If Middlesbrough or Burnley goes into relegation, nobody seems to think they are unfortunate; but if Arsenal finishes a season trophyless, everybody sees it as a misfortune. But even misfortune has it's boundary, as the 2016/2017 season have prooven.

Arsenal is a club that last won the EPL in the 2003/2004 season, winning it unbeaten. Even though they were in the UEFA champions league final in the 2005/2006 season, and the Capital One final in the 2007/2008 season; Arsenal remained trophyless until they won the FA cup back to back in the 2013/2014 and the 2014/2015 season. All through their misfortunes, what surprises me is that Arsenal fans are the most die-hard fans in the world.

In the 2016/2017 season, although missing out of the champions league spot for the first time in sixteen years, Arsenal still managed to win the FA cup again, unbelievably against Chelsea who won the EPL. This means that Arsenal have won the FA cup three times in four years, and Wenger set a record of the only manager in english football to win the FA seven times. This is all coming in a season that Arsenal missed the champions league spot for the first time in sixteen years. You can agree with me that even misfortune has it's boundary.

Manchester United is another club that have been misfortuned for some while. Since Sir Alex Ferguson left the club after twenty years as the most successful manager in english football, Manchester United have become a shadow of themselves. After Ferguson left, the club had always missed out of the UEFA champions league and were always underperforming.

Fate smiled on Manchester United in the 2016/2017 season when they won the UEFA europa league in style. Even though they again missed out of the champions league spot, they would play in the 2017/2018 champions league season as the europa league winner.

No matter how long it lasts, even misfortune has it's boundary. If you have enjoyed this article, please share it. Thanks.


The american dream don't cease to amaze me. For those who have been hearing about the american dream and don't know the meaning, it is so simple. The american dream is a philosophy that every american can succeed in any endeavor through hardwork and creativity.

Americans are so patriotic to this philosophy, which had been handed down to them by their founding fathers, and it has formed a part of their culture and mentalities. From the child to the adult, the american dream is so real and achieveable that you begin to wonder what sort of a people are these.

The american dream, though a great philosophy have pushed the american people into the abyss of fake living. If the american student cannot afford to go to school, they just take a loan and repay that loan when they graduate and have started working. This is only just the beginning of fake living.

When the american starts to work, they can't wait to live within their means and save to buy a car. The next thing they do is run to the car dealer and buy a car on deposit. Even if this deal would take the american five years to pay, the american does not care. Having a car is normal and they just have to have it at that time.

When the american wants to have a house of their own, the next thing they do is to rush to a mortgage bank or whatever and have a house by all means. They usually don't wait until they have enough money to invest in property by themselves. Even if the mortgage would take them twenty years to pay, the american doesn't care.

If the american is broke and has zero dollars in their account, they don't care as they go on collecting overdraft. If the american hits jackport and finds themselves very rich, the run to buy a mansion of fifty rooms and private jet. The next thing you hear is they are bankrupt. They always seem to know how to spend money when they don't have it, and seem not to know how to spend it when they have it. That's funny.

When the american has the slightest problem in their marriage, the next thing is to run to the lawyer and get a divorce. For the woman, it is usually good, but for the man, he looses his money, his wife, and his child or children. The americans are not at fault, as they have to live up to what the everybody expects of them as the superpowers of the world. Also, they have a very good system that had been put in place long ago, and which fuels their fire of living fake lives, which they all call their american dream.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Before, there was no big deal about India, but today, that has changed. I have not been to India, but India seems to be coming to people these days. The truth is, India is really changing for good. Bollywoood, their movie industry have gone through a drastic metamorphorsis, and could compete with Hollywood in America. Movies like 3 Idiots, Baahubali, and Bahgban are just too perfectly made. Sometimes, I can't imagine that indians did them. That is really awesome.

Next to that is their medical industry. Right now, India seems to be the place where medicine is. They even have an edge over America in that aspect. Everybody all over the world now prefer to go to India for treatment for complicated medical issues. This will not stop baffling people, including me.

India's pharmceutical industry is highly rated. For a country that is deeply religious, you would had thought that indians would be drinking herbs and concoctions, and praying to their gods for healing. Surprisingly, that is not the case. India's pharmaceutical industry is so highly developed and big that they get huge foreign exchange from just exporting their drugs. India keeps amazing me.

Academically, India also seems not to be lacking behind. The rate at which India is changing could largely be attributed to the quality of their academics. Added to the fact that there are numerous prestigious higher institutions of learning scattered across India, indians also travel all over the world to get education. It shows they value education, and it is reflecting positively on their systems.

The most odd thing I have discovered in the dynamics of indians is that their men don't joke with their mouthstache!! Their women!! They don't joke with those tiny dots on their forehead. The average indian man is naked without his mouthstache. The mouthstache crave of indians have become a part of their culture. The average indian man is very hairy, and it's like all of them have hairs in their genes.

I just don't understand their madness about their mouthstaches. Even their military find it hard to be clean-shaven. Really serious. If the americans are known for their basketball and coffee; and the chinese are known for their kung-fu and tea, then the indians are known for their shiva and their mouthstaches!!


This is one big irony that will continue to give thinkers many headaches for some years to come. This is the view of a nigerian living in Nigeria.

The average nigerian child starts out in life with the pressures of life heaped upon him/her. Although, they may not know it, but already, a lot is expected from them, even before they start to crawl. The rat race begins for the nigerian child even before he/she starts to crawl and they are put in a pre-creche, or creche, or whatever they call it nowadays. A lot of factors could cause this premature plunge into the world of academics, but the main factor is competition.

Before creche, the nigerian child is expected to be able to read figure one to ten, when they are not even supposed to know what figure one is yet. At creche, they are expected to be able to read figure one to hundred, be able to read the multiplication table from two to twelve. Worst of all, they are already expected to be able to read "Akin Goes To School."

In primary school, the focus is for the child to keep getting the number one position all the time. Any deviation from that would not be appreciated and the child would even know it from the reaction of his/her parents. Females are put under pressure to compete with guys in everything, and they may grow up thinking that life is a girl versus boy thing. Unfortunately, life is not that way and it would never be that way.

At primary four, the child is expected to write common enterance and get into JSS1 at the age of nine. The child would start to write his/her ordinary levels from SSS2, and at SSS3, he/she is supposed to come out with nine A's. That same year, they are expected to write JAMB and score three hundred at the first sitting.

Even though the child may not be sixteen at the year of admission, parents would do age declarations for their wards claiming that they are eligible. In the higher institution, the emphasis is again on having first class, at all costs. These are all the artificially induced academic pressures that the average nigerian child goes through, all in the name of academics.

The child is expected to get a degree at the age of nineteen and go for NYSC at the age of twenty. By twenty-two, they are supposed to have finished their second degrees, and start their third degrees. At the age of twenty-six, the average nigerian child is expected to have his/her PhD and be called a Doctor of whatever.

It makes me wonder whether today's children are academically more better than when I was also a kid. In my own days, you can't smell school at all until you are two or more years old, but today, a three month old baby is dumped in school. This is all in the name of being better than their mates and colleagues.

The irony of all these academic pressures is that there are not enough jobs to cater for the thousands of graduates that Nigeria produces each year. For the children of the very rich, they would have everything packaged for them, and it makes us wonder what the children of the poor should do.

If you are a nigerian child, I am deeply and sincerely sorry for you. Why? Because you are in for a life of pressure induced academic exellence.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Many times, I have wondered what it takes to living a fulfilled life. I talk to a lot of old people and everything they keep saying revolves almost around the same things.

I have interacted with older people for many years, and many times, it seems to me that they think they had not made the most out of their lives. Out of everything they had said, I have come up with nine important things to do to make the most out of your life.

1. Get education.

"Education may not put you at any advantage, but ignorance would put you at a disadvantage." Francis Anuma.

In some parts of the world, they think education is the number one way to succeed in life, but I don't think so. Education may not necessarily make you successful in life, but it is still important. Getting an education would give you a broad view about life. You won't be ignorant about a lot of things.

It would put you at an advantage of meeting new people who may be important to you later in life. Also, education would give you the ability of being able to do something differently. When you compare an educated person and an illiterate person doing the same thing, you tend to discover that the educated one usually has an edge. Older uneducated people always tend to regret not having an education, even if they are successful. To make the most out of your life, get an education.

2. Value time.

For those who don't value their time, they end up wasting away their lives in bits and pieces. Time is money and money is time. I have discovered that when you don't have anything tangible to do with your time, people will hijack it and make it theirs. You then discover that you would be going all over the place fulfilling people's dreams, while your own remain.

Apart from valuing time, manage yourself in time, so as to be able to be doing the right things at the right age. It is not good enough to just be entering higher institution when your colleagues have finished their second degrees. In making the most out of your life, value your time well.

3. Take religion seriously.

Religion is one of the most important pillars of life. Even atheists who abhor religion are guided by morals, which has it's roots in religion. Religion gives a person the opportunity to know the external and spiritual forces and laws guiding life. Even though religion is manipulated into fanaticism sometimes, religion is still a potent weapon into guiding people into living good lives.

If you are a christian, go to church, join a unit and be active. If you are a muslim, go to mosque and try to fullfil your religious obligations, and if you are in any other, be diligent in it. The God-factor is important in people's lives. In making the most out of life, take religion serious.

4. Take your health serious.

Most times in life, I find out that our productivity is always a function of how healthy we are. It is only when you are healthy that you can pursue wealth. Nobody who is sick can think of pursuing wealth. I observe that people don't start taking their health serious, until when they get old and it is already too late.

If you don't take your health serious when you are young, you would most likely pay for it when you are older. Living a moderate lifestyle in what you eat and drink, how you eat and drink it, and being able to control stress matters so much. It is better to take your health and lifestyle seriously, as the quality of life you will live depends on it.

5. Discover your talent and skill.

" Work may prosper you, but talent will fulfill you." Francis Anuma.

I see a lot of people prosper and succeed in life, and still, they don't feel fulfilled about it. Many times, I hear very rich people sometimes say they wished they were something which I think is absurd. Sometimes you could hear a company executive say he wishes he had pursued a painting, or a writing career. There is no big deal in that. It only shows that that is where his fulfillment lies.

Discover your talent or skill and pursue it or them with all vigour. Believe me, that is where your fulfillment lies. To make the most out of life, discover your talent and gifts.

6. Learn a skill.

Learning is skill in life can never be a waste, and it will always come in handy to bail you out of financial embarassments. This is important, especially in countries where the people are more than the available job. Learning a skill and making money out of it doesn't really have to be full-time. You could be working or schooling, and still be learning a skill.

Whatever you learn will always be a part of you, and nobody can take it away from you. Your skill could give you some extra income, and make it possible for you not to be financially broke. A lot of old folks regret the fact that they didn't learn a skill when they were younger. Don't be discouraged. It is never too late to learn that skill.

7. Family is important.

A lot of people just go through life chasing their work and their dreams, usually at the expense of their families. I didn't say it is wrong to chase personal goals, but not at the expense of family. People who neglect their families always usually regret doing that now or later. Family is usually where it all begins. Charity begins in the home.

A lot of people are good outside and are bad at home. This isn't supposed to be. Treat your siblings well. Treat your parents well. Treat your extended family well. When it comes to looking down memory lane at whether people had made the most out of life, family issues are one of the most important things that keeps coming up.

8. Make and keep good friends.

"He that cannot make a friend will eat his cake alone." Francis Anuma.

Life is about meeting people and forming relationships, some lasting and some temporary. It is virtually impossible to go through life without having a friend or friends. Forming good friends alone is not enough, but keeping those friends. Good friends will stand by you in times when you are down and out. Good friends will get your back.

Most importantly, you wouldn't have to go through your old age a lonely person. A person who can't make and keep friends will have a very lonely and boring old age.

9. Prepare for old age.

"Today is nothing but the preparation for tomorrow." Francis Anuma.

As people get older, they start to get more scared about life. Why? Because they hadn't prepared adequately for it. A see a lot of dynamics in the society today in which old people are still labouring and struggling to get by in life. When people are still labouring when they are supposed to be resting, it means something had gone wrong along the way.

The future is not meant to be afraid of, but to be prepared for. Prepare for the future financially, as there wouldn't be that youthful strength to be able to work and make money. Prepare for companionship, as loneliness and boredom and the two biggest nightmare of old people. To make the most out of your life, prepare well for the future.
Thanks for reading this.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


I wrote this poem in 2015 when the deep south started their racist stuffs again. It goes like this;

Life is a strange place
To form the strangers pact
For to live and die
Many questions of life
Many worries of life
Than to go about asking
Why some people are black

Why the whites are white
Is not the black man's business
We may be black
But they are not white
Only not as black as we are

Nobody chooses their destiny
And nobody chooses their race
And with our eyes
We both see black and white monkeys
If we are black
And we see nothing wrong in being black
Why should you see something
Wrong in being black
Once in a while
We all ponder
What is wrong with being black.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Before you sit down again, think about these, as sitting could be dangerous for your health.

Even though sitting is something that everybody does all over the world, it could actually be harmful for you. Check this factors out.

1. Sitting could cause you postural defects.

Reseach has showed that sitting too much is a leading cause for some postural defects. For people who have jobs whereby they have to sit for longer hours, then they have to be very careful! Sitting could cause stooping or drooping of the shoulders, which would eventually lead to forward head, kyphosis or lordosis, all of which affects the spinal cord.

To avoid or prevent this, individuals are advised not to sit for long periods, but to take occasional walks. For the office guys and computer geeks who find it hard to get up from their chairs, remember from time to time to take a break away from the chair.

2. Sitting could cause obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Living a sedentary lifestyle, much of which entails sitting for too long will make fats accumulate in the body. This accumulated fats would eventually lead to being overweight and obesity, which is a leading cause of death in the world today. Worst case is that even child obesity is becoming alarming in the 21st century as children are doing more of watching television, and playing video games than outdoor recreation.

Adults and children should get enough exercise and eat more responsibly, to prevent obesity and the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Sitting could cause back pains.

In situations whereby people have to sit on places that don't have back rests, that could put a lot of unnecessary pressure on the spinal cord. Back pains, even though they are easy to get could take a longer time to heal. It is always advisable to sit in a chair whereby the back could be rested conveniently.

Even though sitting seems very harmless and has a lot of good benefits, it could still be dangerous to you; especially if it is abused or not done properly.


For so long in my life I have been part of the rat race of getting rich quickly through the internet. For so long, I have researched and researched the internet, and have spent many sleepless nights, all in the aim of getting rich.

Even though it seems that a whole lot of other people are having a bite out of the internet piece of cake, it seems that mine was different. I joined hundreds of programs and filled a lot of forms, but nothing came out of it.

I have learnt some lessons in my internet journey in the hard way and if I were to start again, maybe I would do things differently. Trying to get rich quickly through the internet is a mirage that will sap a lot of people the will to hope.

I know that I am not alone in this, and there are many millions out there, who are still in the rat race of getting rich quickly through the internet. As for me, I really do not think it is worth it anymore.

Making money online does and will never entail doing a lot of things. A person has to really be able to focus on something and keep doing that thing, instead of jumping all over the cyberworld in search of money that is not there.

Just like the frustrations that comes from the normal hectic rat race of life, I liken the internet to the same thing, especially those dying to make money on the internet. As for me,I would just do what I love to do and nothing else. Next time guys.

Know Yourself

I know myself, but I don't trust myself. To know yourself is one thing, and to be able to trust yourself is another thing. You may know that you can't do a thing, but given some certain circumstances, you can't trust yourself to be able to do or not do that thing.
All the best. Stay focused. 

The Good Old Days

The good old days
When the sun was rising in the east
And setting in the west
When the children didn't want to grow up
Not for fear of the morrow
But for the sweet times

The good old days
After the end of the bad old days
And followed by the bad days
Of continual despair 
And cyclic melodrama

They that knew the good old days
Only believed it
Those that only know the bad days
Think it was a mirage
Whether the better days will come or not
Does not reside in the old
Only if the young will grow.

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